Purchasing a home is one of the most significant financial decisions most Canadians will make in their lifetime. The key to making this process smoother and more affordable lies in choosing the right mortgage. With the landscape of mortgage rates constantly shifting, it’s crucial to stay informed about the best options available. This guide provides a detailed look at the 10 best mortgage loans in Canada for 2024, helping you make an informed decision to secure the home of your dreams.

Understanding Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates in Canada are influenced by a variety of factors, including the Bank of Canada’s overnight rate, economic conditions, and the bond market. As of June 2024, mortgage rates have remained relatively stable, with the Bank of Canada reducing its overnight rate to 4.75% on June 5, which is expected to bring variable mortgage rates below 6%.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mortgage

  1. Interest Rates: Lower interest rates result in lower monthly payments. Compare rates from different lenders.
  2. Loan Term: The length of time over which the loan is repaid. Common terms are 1, 3, 5, and 10 years.
  3. Fixed vs. Variable Rates: Fixed rates remain constant over the term, while variable rates fluctuate with the market.
  4. Fees and Closing Costs: These can include appraisal fees, legal fees, and prepayment penalties.
  5. Amortization Period: The total length of time over which the mortgage is repaid, typically 25 years.
  6. Customer Service: Good customer service can ease the application process and provide support throughout the loan term.

Top 10 Mortgage Loans in Canada for 2024

1. Bank of Montreal (BMO)

Interest Rate: 4.59% (5-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Competitive rates for various terms.
  • Flexible repayment options.
  • Strong customer service.

2. Scotiabank

Interest Rate: 4.79% (3-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Wide range of mortgage products.
  • Online and in-branch support.
  • Customized solutions for first-time homebuyers.

3. TD Bank

Interest Rate: 6.74% (4-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Comprehensive digital tools.
  • Competitive variable rates.
  • Extensive branch network for personalized service.

4. RBC Royal Bank

Interest Rate: 6.79% (5-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Flexible payment options.
  • Strong customer support.
  • Wide range of mortgage products.


Interest Rate: 6.84% (5-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Competitive fixed and variable rates.
  • Prepayment privileges.
  • Extensive branch network.

6. National Bank of Canada

Interest Rate: 6.84% (5-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Competitive rates and terms.
  • Flexible mortgage solutions.
  • Strong customer service.

7. DUCA Credit Union

Interest Rate: 6.74% (1-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Personalized service.
  • Competitive rates.
  • Flexible terms and conditions.

8. First National

Interest Rate: 4.94% (4-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Specializes in mortgage financing.
  • Competitive rates.
  • Flexible payment options.

9. Radius Financial

Interest Rate: 6.05% (3-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Innovative mortgage solutions.
  • Competitive rates.
  • Excellent customer service.

10. Marathon Mortgage

Interest Rate: 4.59% (5-year fixed)
Key Features:

  • Competitive fixed rates.
  • Flexible payment terms.
  • Strong customer support.

Comparison Data Table

Bank1-Year Fixed Rate3-Year Fixed Rate4-Year Fixed Rate5-Year Fixed RateVariable Rate (Closed)
TD Bank7.84%6.99%6.79%6.84%7.10%
National Bank of Canada7.84%6.99%6.74%6.84%7.20%
DUCA Credit Union6.74%
First National4.94%
Radius Financial6.05%
Marathon Mortgage4.59%

Variable vs. Fixed Mortgage Rates

Choosing between a fixed-rate and a variable-rate mortgage depends on your financial situation and risk tolerance. Fixed-rate mortgages provide stability with constant interest rates and payments over the term, making it easier to budget. Variable-rate mortgages, however, have interest rates that fluctuate with the market, which can result in lower payments when rates are low but higher payments when rates increase.

How Mortgage Rates Are Determined

Mortgage rates are influenced by the Bank of Canada’s overnight rate, the bond market, and economic conditions. Variable rates are directly tied to the overnight rate, while fixed rates are influenced by bond yields. When bond yields rise, fixed mortgage rates typically follow.

Benefits of Fixed-Rate Mortgages

  1. Predictability: Fixed monthly payments make budgeting easier.
  2. Protection Against Rate Increases: Your rate remains the same even if market rates rise.
  3. Long-Term Planning: Easier to plan for long-term financial goals.
  4. Stability: Ideal for risk-averse borrowers.

Drawbacks of Fixed-Rate Mortgages

  1. Potentially Higher Rates: Fixed rates are often higher than variable rates.
  2. Less Flexibility: Higher penalties for breaking the mortgage contract.
  3. Prepayment Limitations: Stricter prepayment terms compared to variable-rate mortgages.

How to Get the Best Mortgage Rate

  1. Improve Your Credit Score: Higher credit scores qualify for better rates.
  2. Lower Your Debt-to-Income Ratio: Pay down debt to improve your financial standing.
  3. Save a Larger Down Payment: Larger down payments can result in better rates and avoid mortgage default insurance.
  4. Compare APRs: Consider the annual percentage rate (APR), which includes interest rates and fees.
  5. Shop Around: Compare rates from multiple lenders.

Mortgage Rate Forecast for 2024

Mortgage rates in Canada are expected to decrease further in 2024. The Bank of Canada has been cautious in adjusting the overnight rate, recently reducing it by 25 basis points to 4.75%. This move is anticipated to lower variable mortgage rates below 6%. However, further decreases in variable rates are likely to be gradual. Fixed mortgage rates have remained steady below 5%, with no significant changes expected in the near term based on current bond market activity.

How to Compare Mortgage Loans

1. Compare APRs

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) includes not only the interest rate but also other fees and costs associated with the mortgage. Comparing APRs gives a more accurate picture of the total cost of different mortgage products.

2. Consider Loan Terms and Conditions

Look at the terms of the loan, including the length of the term, the amortization period, and prepayment options. Some loans offer more flexibility than others, which can be beneficial if you plan to pay off your mortgage early or refinance.

3. Check for Additional Fees

Be aware of any additional fees that might be charged, such as appraisal fees, legal fees, and penalties for early repayment. These can add significantly to the cost of the mortgage.

4. Customer Service and Support

Good customer service can make a big difference, especially if you encounter issues or need to make changes to your mortgage. Consider the reputation of the lender and read reviews from other borrowers.

5. Use Online Calculators

Online mortgage calculators can help you estimate your monthly payments, compare different mortgage options, and understand how changes in interest rates will affect your mortgage.


Choosing the right mortgage loan is a crucial step in the home-buying process. The ten mortgage loans listed above offer some of the best options in Canada for 2024, with competitive rates, flexible terms, and strong customer support. By carefully comparing these options and considering factors such as interest rates, fees, and loan terms, you can find the mortgage that best fits your needs and financial situation.

With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with all the necessary information to choose the best mortgage loan in Canada. Take your time to compare your options, and don’t hesitate to consult with mortgage brokers or financial advisors to ensure you make the best decision for your home purchase.



Auther, a distinguished professional with a unique blend of medical and business expertise, holds a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree and an MBA. She excels as an owner, writer, financial expert, financial advisor, and administrative business manager. Her multifaceted career highlights her exceptional ability to integrate healthcare knowledge with financial acumen, making her a versatile and influential figure in her field. Her contributions span across various domains, showcasing her commitment to excellence and innovation in both medicine and business management. Auther focusing various financial needs of USA, Canada and India.
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